Prayer Process

As the Kingdom is Advancing, prayer is key to making relevant solutions help gather and not scatter.
Matthew 12:30, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

1. Prayer

Seeking the Heart of God. Praying LOUD, quiet, reading and praying the Word, 24/7 trying to open our ears to God, keeping a notebook, and place to store what we believe he is showing us through his word, in the world, and specific revelation. God will highlight gaps and problems that he wants solved. Seeking the heart of God gives us eyes to see where the Kingdom isn't and with a listening ear we can ask him for how he is wanting his Kingdom to come right here and now through us.

2. Data Stewardship

There are other missionaries in similar Kingdom contexts with similar problems and breakthroughs. We study and eagerly seek wisdom and counsel through conversations, networking, research, finding case studies, websites, and resources that are relevant and timely. We aim to steward well a vault of resources that God provides for us through His voice to us, and to others, as well as other projects and resources that believers have made over time with the Holy Spirit. We are inspired this way to find gaps and ask God to fill them through us. This helps us see what the Father is doing and pray into it.

3. Designing

Bringing this all together it's time to start designing solutions that fill in Kingdom Gaps. This is a prayer process. If God is wanting to make a solution through us, it may be very clear because of a problem that is hindering people from making disciples. Sometimes based on the prayer time, and what we hear from him, there doesn't seem to be much of a Gap there, but we are led by Him to make a solution anyway. Sometimes we don't see why what He is asking us to do is impactful, but we know that God knows the ultimate impact of any solution we work on with Him. That is the key to designing. It is with HIM.

4. Listening Over Time

Testing everything with the Word of God, talking to the counsel of believers, taking notes, studying what God is saying to formulate more clear pictures of His heart for the Harvest right here and now is vital. This helps us create timely Harvest solutions partnering with the Holy Spirit over time.

5. Quality

Quality in prayer is vital. Is my motive in this solution to help people? Is this helping them to love God, love people, and make disciples? To protect our solutions from being influenced by our own selfish desires, there is a strong emphasis on constantly testing our hearts and solutions to see if the motive truly is love for God and others. LOVE is the ultimate filter.

6. Release

Prayerfully we release resources to you, hoping that God will advance His Kingdom through you. This leads to the best prayer EVER deeply drenched in the love of God for people, and we learn how much he loves the lost, and loves you the reader. He wants us to dwell with Him in eternity forever so He died on the cross to remove anything that keeps us from Him. Are our solutions encouraging people to come to Christ and be saved? Are they decreasing the intensity in which we seek the heart of God, or are they intensely encouraging people to be closer to Him and be changed? He will change people's lives and that will send them into the Harvest to spread His love. We are here to help goers to be more effective in the Harvest, providing timely, relevant, and prayerfully built solutions that help you go.