Movement Vault

This should give you more than what you need to get started. Warning! I haven't setup the links to send you to the right locations yet. This is just a placeholder for now.

2. Short-Term Discipleship for New Believers and Trainers

How to love God and keep Christ's commands in a simple and reproducible way.

3. Relational Stewardship

Steward better relationships (e.g. Judea, Samaria, Ends of the Earth). Reach your friends, family, co-workers, classmates, and neighbors. Map out bigger and reach your zipcode, county, and socio groups in your city for Jesus.

4. Testimony and Gospel Tools (Your Story, God's Story

Ways to share that you can train others in until they can become to the trainer to train others too.

5. Followup Systems

Systems for following up with new believers.

6. Healthy Church Tools - Long-Term Discipleship

Tools for long-term discipleship and church planting.

7. Generation Mapper

Links to generation mapping tools.

9. Training Systems

Training systems that package aspects from each of the above tools into packages

10. Toolboxes

Toolboxes take a small number of tools that have proven to get the dicsiple-maker's job done.