
Equipping the global Church.

Equipping the global Church, and solving problems that are keeping the 1040 window from being filled with Worshippers of Jesus.

Global Harvest Solutions

Boots on the Ground Worker Mission

Inspired and driven by a prayerful relationship with Jesus, His Great Commission, the Heart of God, and the Holy Spirit to love our neighbors by sharing the gospel and our lives with them, calling them to repentance, being ready to baptize them and help them ask Jesus to baptize them with the Holy Spirit. Devoted to prayer, being trained, and doing evangelism until we are able to help gather believers (e.g. existing and new converts) into healthy multiplicative training groups and churches (spiritual families). Devoted to the Word of God, fellowship, communion, prayer, the gifts of the Spirit, giving (to the needy, and to the saints), worship, and training disciples (e.g. existing and new converts) until they can become the trainer to train others.

Solutions Development Team Mission

Inspired and influenced by the word of God, the works of God (e.g. Disciple-Making/Church-Planting Movements), and good Ministry Wineskins to help us partner with God. Aiming to support and launch movements with the Holy Spirit, in the blessing of God. Creating relevant solutions that help (and not work against) what God is doing. Researching, developing, testing, and launching solutions that equip the Global Harvest Force to enter, sow, and reap the Global Harvest Field. This is through Biblical solutions that help the Saints with: Abiding, self-feeding, time-management, training, new believer lessons, sending, gospel sharing, relational stewardship, follow-up, tracking, bible study (e.g. lessons and tools), bible publishing (e.g. books, posters, new languages), vision-casting, persecution-aid, inner-healing/deliverance/counseling, house of peace/person of peace search, lostness data (e.g. Maps) solutions, and whatever it takes to fulfill the Great Commission.