Praying to Jesus Christ for solutions to unite, equip, train, and launch laborers into God's Global Harvest.
As the Global Church unites to fulfill God's Great Commission,
- Jesus
As the Global Church unites to fulfill God's Great Commission,
- Jesus
Below are quotes from David Garrison's CPM booklet. For more information, visit Church Planting Movements. Download the booklet here.
“Prayer has been fundamental to every Church Planting Movement we have observed. It provides the first pillar in a strategy coordinator's master plan for reaching his or her people group... This sharing of the power source is critical to the transfer of vision and momentum from the missionary to the new local Christian leadership.” (p. 29)
“Every Church Planting Movement is accompanied by abundant sowing of the gospel. Hundreds and even thousands of individuals are hearing the claims that Jesus Christ has on their lives... Wherever governments or societal forces have managed to intimidate and stifle Christian witness, Church Planting Movements have been effectively eliminated.” (p. 29)
“In every Church Planting Movement, someone implemented a strategy of deliberate church planting before the movement got under way... In these situations, an intentional church-planting strategy might transform these evangelistic awakenings into full-blown Church Planting Movements.” (p. 29)
“The Bible has been the guiding source for doctrine, church polity, and life itself... Scripture provided the rudder for the church's life, and its authority was unquestioned.” (p. 29, p. 30)
“Missionaries mentor church planters rather than do the job of church planting themselves... Walking alongside local church planters is the first step in cultivating and establishing local leadership.” (p. 30)
“Church Planting Movements are driven by lay leaders who are typically bivocational and come from the general profile of the people group being reached... Dependence upon seminary-trained—or in nonliterate societies, even educated—pastoral leaders means that the work will always face a leadership deficit.” (p. 30)
“The vast majority of the churches continue to be small, reproducible cell churches of 10-30 members meeting in homes or storefronts... Both types of churches are common in Church Planting Movements, often appearing in the same movement.” (p. 30)
“In most Church Planting Movements, the first churches were planted by missionaries or by missionary-trained church planters... Eventually, the churches themselves began planting new churches.” (p. 30, p. 31)
“Rapid reproduction is vital to the movement itself. It communicates the urgency and importance of coming to faith in Christ... When rapid reproduction is taking place, you can be assured that the churches are unencumbered by nonessential elements and the laity are fully empowered to participate in this work of God.” (p. 31)
“Healthy churches should carry out the following five purposes: worship, evangelistic and missionary outreach, education and discipleship, ministry, and fellowship... This impulse within these CPM-oriented churches is extending the gospel into remote people groups and overcoming barriers that have long existed.” (p. 31)
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